
Weekend at Convergence08

I had a wonderful time a the Convergence08 Conference held November 15 and 16. The location of the conference was the Computer History Museum which was a very good venue. The focus of the conference was on the convergence technologies (Infotech, Biotech, Nanotech). There are many supporting organization such as Foresight, Methuselah Foundation and many others listed on their sponsor page.

The attendees were a good mix of specialists, press and non-specialists. I had a great time, saw many old friends and had a couple of days of fine intellectual stimulation. One item of note is that UCI physics prof and SF author Gregory Benford is now in the health and life extension business. He became interested in the work of Dr. Michael Rose on long lived flies as a way to investigate health and longevity in humans. The results is a small company called Genescient. Their webpage is short on details. They indicated they would be getting more info out beginning of next year. I hope they are able to follow through on this.

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